Sep 13, 2011



Umm, this is a little late, ehehe ^^; But anyway:

 The picture quality isn't the best as we totally forgot about the pictures until it was too late so the light was lousy. Sorry ^^;

Here's my outfit for Saturday. A classic coordinate with a hint of steampunk. I was going to make a gearwheel print for the white skirt, I had it all planned and ready in my computer but I could find an ink printer anywhere! Only laser printers... So no gearwheels.
 ...I did draw some on the corner of my eye, though. I love the jacket, it is from Lindex but for this coord it's absolutely perfect. On the hat, there's a big bow made of satin ribbon, some hat lace and an ostrich feather. I love ostrich feathers <3
 My outfit for Sunday. This one was quite simple, but OTT still isn't my thing. I love the old-fashioned way when it comes to the amount of accessories (though OTT is fun too). I rather go over the top with my hair (I love GothicLolitaWigs!) and the amount of fabric (the hem is six meters!)
 Another picture, just because the light was beautiful <3
And the a totally random picture that's got nothing to do with anything.

And that's it for the photoes. I did take a lot at the lolita fashion show (loved that, by the way), but I had to zoom in a lot, light was bad and flash didn't reach the stage, so they didn't turn out well at all.

I also got an invitation to visit Crème de la Garderobe, a lolita fashion market on November. I really want to go, hopefully I have time for that!
